Chapter Officers

“Our Chapter is led by strong, determined, and intelligent gentlemen. Each leader represents the chapter and is committed to guiding us toward prosperity with each passing day.”

- Cole Smith, 2024 Chapter President

2024 Executive Board

  • Cole Smith

    Chapter President

  • Stephen Tower

    Vice President

  • Matt Sciambra

    Vice President of Health and Safety

  • Frankie Matrona


  • Jacob Suttle


  • Ray Gaissert


  • Frank Meyer IV

    Scholarship Chairman

  • Jude Sonnier

    Recruitment Chairman

  • Philipp Harris

    Social Chairman

2024 Chairmen

  • Myles Goodrich

    Athletics Chairman

  • Noah Simpson

    Housing Chairman

  • Garrett Stanley

    Brotherhood Chairman

  • Aidan Bransfield

    Philanthropy & Fundraising Chairman

  • Matt Geary

    Tailgate Chairman & First Guard

  • Daniel Greenwald

    PR Chairman

  • David Parra


  • Michael Thompson


  • Zach Chaney

    Interfraternity Council Relations Chairman

  • Kosta Kontonikolas

    Alumni Relations Chairman

  • Jack Pharis

    Second Guard